Saturday, 13 February 2021

From the Writing Cave: The Six Kingdoms of Kurii, Full Series Cover Reveal


Hello, readers! Yes, you read that title correctly. I am sharing the official cover reveals for all of the books in The Six Kingdoms of Kurii series. I probably shared some mock-up covers in the past, but this time, I went through the trouble of purchasing stock photos for the covers. Some were from a free stock photo site, but I did purchase one or two (I believe it is 2) of the images I used. But enough jabber. Let's see those covers, yeah?!
Nope, not yet. Keep going.

What do you think? Can you guess which Bible story matches which book? I believe there is only one book that I have not matched to a Bible story yet, and that is Kingdom of the Mountain. I have to go through my notes/outlines and see what I had in mind for that one. Probably Elijah in the Book of Kings, but I am fairly certain I had a really great one in mind. Not to say the story of Elijah is not great. It's one of my favorites, but I know I had six selected.
Comment below and let me know what you think of these covers. I would love your feedback, especially since I plan to use these covers in my portfolio (DesignsbyEH). Every book cover I've ever made goes into my portfolio. Some are public, others are not, but I try to share my abilities because I do have a book cover design business. It's just on the back-burner right now. Either way, comment below! I love reading comments and I love book world discussions. Thank you for dropping in. I hope you are staying safe and please remember that you are awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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