Monday, 22 February 2021

From the Writing Cave: Dragons, Time Travel, & King Arthur | Awesomeness


Hello, readers! Welcome back to one of the most random blog posts you will ever read ... Maybe. I don't know. But if the title doesn't intrigue you ... I came across a really interesting story idea, in my calendar book (if you can believe it), and it involved everything I've mentioned in the post title.

When I read the three sentences, I had no memory of writing down the idea. Because I will, usually, put my ideas into my "Ideas Notebook", or straight in my journal. Which is FULL of random ideas that I am transferring to the "Ideas Notebook".

The idea intrigues me beyond explanation. What makes it more interesting is the fact it breaks into two separate ideas. One involves the dragons and time travel, the other is dragons and King Arthur. I have a bunch of links to essays, documentaries, and other Arthurian-related websites, all marked as "Research". I've always been a fan of the Arthur legend, I have seen many of the movie adaptions, not all of them. There are some I still want to see.

Anyway. The ideas were nowhere else in my elaborate system of idea-keeping. I only wrote it down in my calendar. I guess I was in a hurry, or out of the house, and wrote it down. Back in September/October, apparently!  ..... Actually, I take that back. There's a note in the calendar that says "Refer to Journal Entry on this date." .... *checks the journal entry* .... Yep, it's a small paragraph. But I'm not going to reveal the full idea. Not yet.

I have so many ideas I still wish to pursue. But I do have my focus on certain projects. I've shared these points of focus in previous, as well as future, posts. I'm not afraid to step away from projects to work on something different. But I do believe in finding a balance in how much work goes into each of my projects.

What do you think of the idea I've mentioned above? Would you read a book with this theme/genre? Comment below and let me know! Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have a fantstical weekend. Stay safe, stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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