Friday, 1 May 2020

Writing Update: TBBW Needs a Lot of Work Done

Mood: Annoyed but Motivated
Song of the Day:

Hey all! Well, if the title wasn't any indication of what I am gonna be talking about, The Bridge Between Worlds, The Xiphis Saga #1, needs a whole lotta work. And by "work" I mean revisions and rewrites. I finally get a comment on the first chapter on Wattpad, and while it wasn't what I was hoping to hear, it was super helpful. This reader truly took a moment to see the story and its details and told me what it was missing. Which is what I needed to hear.

I get a lot of silent readers and the ones who do comment usually comment on something I am not asking them to look at. I am the kind of writer who lays out everything on the table before letting the reader into my story. I always tell them the story is in the "beta reading" stage. I tell them what I would appreciate knowing and what I do not need to hear just yet. Apparently, a lot of inexperienced Wattpad readers, or novice users, tend to think they are looking for line-edits. Missing punctuation, misspellings, capital letters, etc. I find it harder on me when I ask them not to point it out and they do because I have minor dyslexia and its rough already.

But back to what I was saying about the HELPFUL comment. This person pointed out important missing details that I did not catch. This means working on Book 2 will definitely not happen for a while. I genuinely want to get to writing the second book in the Xiphis Saga, but if I have issues in the first book, things won't line up. So I am putting it off until Book 1 is fixed.

In other news, I am still gonna print one of my books. Just for me. For my shelf. First draft, unfixed mistakes, and all.

I hope this post finds you well. Thank you for reading my ramblings. See you in the funny papers.

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